Faith Formation Class for Youth in Grade 9 (and up)

What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a class where students have a place to both learn and ask questions about faith. Traditionally, Confirmation is only open to 9th graders, but we also welcome those older students who may have not yet taken the class. There is no cost to participate. Students will learn the basic tenets of their faith and what makes them a Christian (and a part of the PC(USA) family).
more about confirmation
Membership & Baptism
At the end of Confirmation class, participants can elect to become members of Village Church if they wish. Regardless of their decision, all students will be honored on Confirmation Sunday in May and receive a certificate recognized by the PC(USA). Students who were not baptized as infants may also choose to be baptized on Confirmation Sunday. Additionally, we host an annual Confirmation Dinner to celebrate the students’ hard work and dedication.
more about baptism at village
How the Class Works
Class will meet in person 10:30 a.m.-noon on Sundays during the spring semester. Students will be assigned writing assignments to complete during the class as well, and students will also assist in writing the liturgy for Confirmation Sunday in May. Prior to class time, students will watch a short online video, then we will engage with what we heard at the in-person meetings.

Adult Leaders
The bulk of the class is built around activities and small group discussions with leaders. Each year, we always need caring, thoughtful adult volunteers to help lead our small groups during Confirmation class. Please email us if you’re interested in participating as an adult volunteer.
contact usResources
Registration for the Confirmation class of 2025 is closed. Next year’s class will begin in the fall!